Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sept. 8, 2008. Non-restful rest day.

My diary says s*&$( day. Today was a rest day at 4000 meters at the toe of the Miyar glacier. We awoke to 1-1.5 inches of snow on the tent, and on my (*&(*&% tent it weighs down heavily and is not shed. I started azithromycin yesterday and had a tight feeling in my chest all night and could not sleep, and also a dry cough. Today the cough persisted, and was a tiny bit productive. No obvious fever. On the positive side I rinsed some clothes and cleaned up a bit. Tomorrow is supposed to be 6 hours up on the looker's left side of the glacier (as one faces the toe); two hours up on rubble and then 4 hours on the glacier. At least I am breathing comfortable lying flat and my O2 sat is ~ 90% with pulse about 70.

5 PM. My throat is sorer than ever. I may start Augmentin in addition as it seemed to work for L.

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