Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008. Downhill all day.

Today was a nice day in the Jumlam. Not exactly bathing suit weather, but sunny and warm enough. Most people used their hiking boots today, so the path was one of jumps and leaps to avoid wet feet, rather than one of sandals and wet crossings. I yanked M. up from a splash-in on one occasion. Camp was cold as usual, and we were up and away by 9:15. The tail of the group was quite slow over the rough terrain. St. was a little sick today (stomach) but carried on like a trooper. The first sumdo (junction) we got to had a natural "horse" shape in the rocks quite high up above the valley bottom. This was really just an abstract pattern of whiter rock against the dark rock. After lunch the usual out-front group (W., M., plus/minus me) chased the horses, passing them and the resting and getting re-passed. Finally into camp by 2:30-2:45, in time for a bit of a wash-up. Camp is at a sumdo with a snow peak visible up the side valley. It is cramped but right by the river and very clean. Joel said they spent a day exploring up this side valley last year, hoping for good views, but just got wiped out in steep rockpiles. Today I am pretty healthy except for the upper respiratory thing, several days after stopping anti-bacterials. P. started azithromycin yesterday, having failed to improve on amoxicillin/clavulanate.

It is hard to believe that in 10 days I will be home.

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